
Bachelor Degree in Design

Adscribed to the Arts and Humanities branch, is built around content from culture, art, and tools. With optional mention to Graphic Design and Visual Communication, Audiovisual Design, Interior Design or Fashion Design.

→ BAU Open Days 2025. Register now.

Description of the curriculum

  • Edition: 16th
  • Teaching period: from October 2025 to June 2026
  • Schedule: mornings from 9am to 2.30pm or afternoons from 3pm to 8.30pm
  • Modality: on site
  • Language: Spanish and Catalan
  • Price: 147 € / ECTS
  • Duration: 4 years
  • Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Design by the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia
  • Credits: 240 ECTS
  • Academic calendar 2024-25


The aim of the BAU Bachelor's Degree in Design is train professionals within the field of design, trained to understand and mediate present-day social, cultural, and contextual changes. With solid cultural, artistic, technical, and project training, BAU transcends the idea of the designer to encourage creative professionals with a broad and multifaceted perspective in the field of design.

Design studies at BAU are based on a conscious, committed vision aimed at opening up new perspectives of a world in constant flux. Students deploy their critical and imaginative capacity in more inclusive, fair, restorative, and transformative practices in contemporary design.

Combining technical and sensitive knowledge, BAU designers mix languages, imaginings, and methods from different areas of design and other disciplines. They articulate constellations of knowledge that allow them to develop ideas, deploy projects, and lead teams that go beyond the specialties of audiovisuals, fashion, space, and graphics. The designers at BAU are agents of change who mediate and transform.

Differential characteristics

  • University degree awarded by UVic-UCC, accredited by the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia.
  • The entire institution is dedicated to the service of student learning.
  • Teaching staff involved, cohesive, committed and highly qualified.
  • Live and constantly evolving study plan and syllabus.
  • Continuous improvement of teaching quality.
  • Small groups and personalized teaching.
  • Human quality.
  • Spaces designed for research and design practice.
  • Infrastructure and equipment with advanced technology.
  • Internship program in institutions and companies.
  • Mobility and exchanges with universities in Europe, America and Asia.
  • Research as a growth engine.
  • Location in the 22@ of Barcelona, the district of innovation and design.

Study plan

Programme of studies

Credits by type of subject:

  • Basic training: 60 ECTS
  • Compulsory: 60 ECTS
  • Elective: 102 ECTS
  • External internship: 6 ECTS
  • Final project: 12 ECTS


Workshops RAC

Some of these courses offer the possibility of academic recognition of credits (RAC) for students of the Degree in Design of BAU.

View the workshops


  • Ability to develop their own creativity through the learning of artistic languages.
  • In-depth knowledge of the socio-economic and cultural determinants events in the evolution of design and vision of the same from a critical perspective.
  • Command and management of specific tools for the development of the professional projectual process.
  • Creative, innovative, committed and responsable spirit, respect to the needs and demands of society.
  • Implementation of business, management and communication knowledge in the context of national and international design.
  • Ability to transmit, exhibit and communicate, in both orally and writing, the typical design proposals, in both the native language and in English.
  • Application of specific methodologies of research into the world of design.
  • Ability to develop design projects in teamwork and in structures of collaboration and cooperation.
  • Development of the profession from a committed attitude with sustainability and respect for the environment.

International mobility

Mobility programs are a fundamental line of action to facilitate the exchange of content, methodologies and resources, and to enhance the generation and transmission of knowledge.

From this perspective, student mobility is considered at BAU as a means of mutual knowledge between different countries and cultures that invites intercultural dialogue and an exchange of enriching educational experiences.

BAU promotes the mobility of its students, amd his international recognition as a design institution offersthe possibility of an international education under ERASMUS program regulations within Europe and with exchange programs with foreign universities prestige.

List of schools and universities with ERASMUS agreement and collaboration agreements.

See all the projects


Fran Díaz, Doctorand. Architect and Master in City and Sustainable Architecture
Rebecca G. Mutell, PhD in Fine Arts. Bachelor of Fine Arts (Image)
Lluís Alexandre Casanovas, Architect, curator and critic. Interior Design itinerary Coordinator of the Bachelor Degree in Design
Pau de Riba, PhD Candidate. Graduate in Graphic Design. Graphic Design and Visual Communication itinerary Coordinator of the Bachelor Degree in Design
Frank María, PhD. Graduate in Fine Arts. Audiovisual Design itinerary Coordinator of the Bachelor Degree in Design. Master in Stop-Motion Animation coordinator.
Joan Ros, Fashion designer. Coordinator of the Fashion itinerary of the Bachelor Degree in Design
Roc Albalat, Graphic designer. Art. Realization

Roc Albalat

Graphic designer. Art. Realization

Jordi Álvarez, Digital Communication & Branding

Jordi Álvarez

Digital Communication & Branding

Serafín Álvarez, PhD Candidate. Master in Artistic Productions and Research

Serafín Álvarez

PhD Candidate. Master in Artistic Productions and Research

Tiago Alves, Escritor

Tiago Alves


Elisa Amann, Doctoral student. Fashion design. Coordinator of the Master in Design, Technology and Innovation in Fashion

Elisa Amann

Doctoral student. Fashion design. Coordinator of the Master in Design, Technology and Innovation in Fashion

Santi Benítez, Degree in Design with a major in Graphic Design. Artist and Pastry Chef.

Santi Benítez

Degree in Design with a major in Graphic Design. Artist and Pastry Chef.

Marta Camps, Doctor in Educational Innovation. Degree in fine arts. Pedagogical and artistic researcher.

Marta Camps

Doctor in Educational Innovation. Degree in fine arts. Pedagogical and artistic researcher.

Anna Carreras, Master's Degree in Audiovisual Media

Anna Carreras

Master's Degree in Audiovisual Media

Montse Casacuberta, Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts

Montse Casacuberta

Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts

Anna Clemente, Architect

Anna Clemente


Lúa Coderch, PhD in Fine Arts. Degree in fine arts. Artistic production

Lúa Coderch

PhD in Fine Arts. Degree in fine arts. Artistic production

Luis Colaço, Creative Technologist

Luis Colaço

Creative Technologist

Elisabet Coll-Vinent, Periodista especializada en Comunicación de Moda y Marketing

Elisabet Coll-Vinent

Periodista especializada en Comunicación de Moda y Marketing

Núria Costa, Co-founder of ZER Collection brand

Núria Costa

Co-founder of ZER Collection brand

Nataly dal Pozzo, PhD in Art History

Nataly dal Pozzo

PhD in Art History

Pierino dal Pozzo, Graduate in Architecture. Cultural Management and Dissemination Coordinator

Pierino dal Pozzo

Graduate in Architecture. Cultural Management and Dissemination Coordinator

Glòria Deumal, Bachelor's Degree in Humanities

Glòria Deumal

Bachelor's Degree in Humanities

Fran Díaz, Doctorand. Architect and Master in City and Sustainable Architecture

Fran Díaz

Doctorand. Architect and Master in City and Sustainable Architecture

Maria Jose Díaz, Journalist and producer

Maria Jose Díaz

Journalist and producer

Mireia Feliu, PhD in Fine Arts. Degree in fine arts. Coordinator of the Department of Projects of the Degree in Design

Mireia Feliu

PhD in Fine Arts. Degree in fine arts. Coordinator of the Department of Projects of the Degree in Design

Eduard Fernàndez, Architect, teacher and researcher

Eduard Fernàndez

Architect, teacher and researcher

Anna Ferré Boltà, Fotografia, arquitectura y docencia

Anna Ferré Boltà

Fotografia, arquitectura y docencia

Jaume Ferrete, Artist, researcher and teacher. Voice, performance and technologies

Jaume Ferrete

Artist, researcher and teacher. Voice, performance and technologies

Alba Font, Diseñadora gráfica y directora creativa especializada en proyectos culturales

Alba Font

Diseñadora gráfica y directora creativa especializada en proyectos culturales

Elisenda Fontarnau, Bachelor's Degre in Fine Arts

Elisenda Fontarnau

Bachelor's Degre in Fine Arts

Mª Àngels Fortea, PhD in Design. Coordinator of the Department of Cultural Contexts

Mª Àngels Fortea

PhD in Design. Coordinator of the Department of Cultural Contexts

Mariel Fuentes, Master's Degree in Interior Design

Mariel Fuentes

Master's Degree in Interior Design

Rebecca G. Mutell, PhD in Fine Arts. Bachelor of Fine Arts (Image)

Rebecca G. Mutell

PhD in Fine Arts. Bachelor of Fine Arts (Image)

Jordi Galobart, Freelance developer of websites and digital applications

Jordi Galobart

Freelance developer of websites and digital applications

Maria Garcia, Investigadora, curadora y artista

Maria Garcia

Investigadora, curadora y artista

Mariona García, Bachelor's Degree in Teaching and Graphic Design

Mariona García

Bachelor's Degree in Teaching and Graphic Design

Albert Gavaldà, CGI Generalist, AI Artist, Project Manager

Albert Gavaldà

CGI Generalist, AI Artist, Project Manager

Núria Gómez Gabriel, PhD in Communication. Cultural researcher, writer and art curator

Núria Gómez Gabriel

PhD in Communication. Cultural researcher, writer and art curator

Laura Ginès, Directora de arte y realizadora

Laura Ginès

Directora de arte y realizadora

Laura Gual, Bachelor's Degree in Psychology

Laura Gual

Bachelor's Degree in Psychology

Citlali Hernández, Doctoranda. Licenciada en Diseño Industrial. Artista multidisciplinar

Citlali Hernández

Doctoranda. Licenciada en Diseño Industrial. Artista multidisciplinar

Arnau Horta, Curator and art critic. PhD in Philosophy.

Arnau Horta

Curator and art critic. PhD in Philosophy.

Ricardo Iscar, Bachelor's Degree in Laaw and Higher education in image

Ricardo Iscar

Bachelor's Degree in Laaw and Higher education in image

Nico Juárez, PhD student. Audiovisual Designer and Architect. Coordinator of Bachelor Degree in Design Final Projects department

Nico Juárez

PhD student. Audiovisual Designer and Architect. Coordinator of Bachelor Degree in Design Final Projects department

Alejandra López Gabrielidis, PhD. Degree in Philosophy. Art and digital technologies

Alejandra López Gabrielidis

PhD. Degree in Philosophy. Art and digital technologies

Kike Macías, Interior Designer

Kike Macías

Interior Designer

Xavier Maixenchs, Industrial and Audiovisual Designer

Xavier Maixenchs

Industrial and Audiovisual Designer

Raül Maldonado, Graduate in Design

Raül Maldonado

Graduate in Design

Josep Maria Marimon, Master's Degree in New Media Art Curators. Coordinator of the Department of Materials and Technologies

Josep Maria Marimon

Master's Degree in New Media Art Curators. Coordinator of the Department of Materials and Technologies

Ricard Marimón, Bachelor’s Degree in Art and Design

Ricard Marimón

Bachelor’s Degree in Art and Design

Joan Martorello, Fashion design and artistic direction

Joan Martorello

Fashion design and artistic direction

David Martín, Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design

David Martín

Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design

Claudio Marzà, Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Design

Claudio Marzà

Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Design

Jorge Luis Marzo, PhD in Visual Arts

Jorge Luis Marzo

PhD in Visual Arts

Miguel Ángel Maure, Architect

Miguel Ángel Maure


Mònica Mestanza, PhD in Communications. Graphic design, art direction and creative direction

Mònica Mestanza

PhD in Communications. Graphic design, art direction and creative direction

Adrià Molins, Titulado Superior en Diseño Gráfico

Adrià Molins

Titulado Superior en Diseño Gráfico

Mariona Moncunill, PhD. Artist. Researcher. Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts Projects department

Mariona Moncunill

PhD. Artist. Researcher. Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts Projects department

Anna Moreno, Doctoral student. Artist

Anna Moreno

Doctoral student. Artist

Jesús Morentin, Bachelor's Degree in Design

Jesús Morentin

Bachelor's Degree in Design

Marta Morralla, Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Design

Marta Morralla

Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Design

María Fernanda Moscoso, Phd of Anthropology

María Fernanda Moscoso

Phd of Anthropology

Núria Nia, Artista visual, productora y realizadora audiovisual, productora y gestora cultural, coordinadora de proyectos relacionados con la cultura y las artes. Docente universitaria.

Núria Nia

Artista visual, productora y realizadora audiovisual, productora y gestora cultural, coordinadora de proyectos relacionados con la cultura y las artes. Docente universitaria.

David Ortega, Interior designer

David Ortega

Interior designer

David Ortiz Juan, Master in Visual Arts. Artistic production.

David Ortiz Juan

Master in Visual Arts. Artistic production.

Cris Noguer, Designer and researcher

Cris Noguer

Designer and researcher

Mireia P. Carbonell, Master’s Degree in Graphic Design

Mireia P. Carbonell

Master’s Degree in Graphic Design

Josep Pagà, Grado en Diseño mención Moda. Investigador y patronista

Josep Pagà

Grado en Diseño mención Moda. Investigador y patronista

Rubén Pater, Graphic designer

Rubén Pater

Graphic designer

Élida Pérez, Drama teacher, researcher and artist

Élida Pérez

Drama teacher, researcher and artist

Pau Pericas, Master's Degree in Cinema and Audiovisual contemporary studies

Pau Pericas

Master's Degree in Cinema and Audiovisual contemporary studies

Arnau Pi, Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design

Arnau Pi

Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design

Blanca Pia, Art direction. Investigation

Blanca Pia

Art direction. Investigation

Mercedes Pimiento, Artist and researcher

Mercedes Pimiento

Artist and researcher

Daniel Pitarch, Doctor. Researcher and artist

Daniel Pitarch

Doctor. Researcher and artist

Ingrid Pou, Fashion and bag designer

Ingrid Pou

Fashion and bag designer

Albert Puig, Project Manager en la industria audiovisual

Albert Puig

Project Manager en la industria audiovisual

Isa Quiles, Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts

Isa Quiles

Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts

Clàudia Raurell, Architect

Clàudia Raurell


Camila René Maggi, Architect

Camila René Maggi


Mariona Ribas, Design and art direction

Mariona Ribas

Design and art direction

Mónica Rikić, Degree in fine arts. Electronic art and creative programming. Master in Audiovisual Innovation & Interactive Environments Coordinator.

Mónica Rikić

Degree in fine arts. Electronic art and creative programming. Master in Audiovisual Innovation & Interactive Environments Coordinator.

Aina Roca, Docente de Diseño Espacial, doctoranda y co-fundadora de la compañía de teatro Ellipsis

Aina Roca

Docente de Diseño Espacial, doctoranda y co-fundadora de la compañía de teatro Ellipsis

Crisal Rodríguez, Graduate in Biology

Crisal Rodríguez

Graduate in Biology

Sílvia Rosés, Phd in Art History

Sílvia Rosés

Phd in Art History

Mario Santamaría, Artistic production

Mario Santamaría

Artistic production

Marina Salazar, Master's degree in research and experimentation in design

Marina Salazar

Master's degree in research and experimentation in design

Lucía Segurajáuregui, Diseñadora y artista multidisciplinar

Lucía Segurajáuregui

Diseñadora y artista multidisciplinar

Nadia Speranza, Graduada en Diseño Gráfico Editorial. Metodología de investigación y análisis

Nadia Speranza

Graduada en Diseño Gráfico Editorial. Metodología de investigación y análisis

Laura Solsona, Arquitecta

Laura Solsona


Laura Subirats, Digital Artist

Laura Subirats

Digital Artist

Daniel Tahmaz, Diseñador de interiores

Daniel Tahmaz

Diseñador de interiores

David Torrents, Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts

David Torrents

Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts

Diego Suárez, Technical Engineer of Telecommunication, specialty in Electronic Systems

Diego Suárez

Technical Engineer of Telecommunication, specialty in Electronic Systems

Marta Velasco, Visual Artist, textile design and exhibition production

Marta Velasco

Visual Artist, textile design and exhibition production

Gabriel Ventura, Bachelor's Degree Humanities

Gabriel Ventura

Bachelor's Degree Humanities

Roger Vicente, Bachelor's Degreee in Graphic Design

Roger Vicente

Bachelor's Degreee in Graphic Design

Irena Visa, Visual artist and teacher

Irena Visa

Visual artist and teacher

Career opportunities

  • Designer -Graphic, Space, Audiovisual, Fashion and / or Services-
  • Creative director
  • Art director
  • Marketing, Communication and Organization of Events
  • Investigator/Researcher
  • Multidisciplinary equipment
  • Strategist in innovation and research
  • Project manager and coordinator
  • University teacher/Professor
  • Occupations linked to the culture of design, art and creation: critic, analyst, curator of exhibitions, editor of publications, etc.


Pre-registration and access

Access to the Bachelor Degree in Design is done through the university pre-registration system. The University pre-registration is a coordinated system of student distribution that guarantees equal conditions in the admission process and admission to the first year of university degree studies. The pre-registration process is done online through the university access portal.

To find out the pre-registration deadlines, consult the website of the University Pre-registration Office of Catalonia.


The registration period for the Bachelor's Degree in Design for new students takes place according to the calendar established by the University Preregistration office of Catalonia (Oficina de Preinscripción Universitaria de Cataluña).

Students educated in Spain

For any questions or doubts regarding these or other access systems, do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Department by email ([email protected]) or by phone (+34 93 415 34 74).

Students from a foreign education system

Students members from European Union countries or from countries outside the European Union will find more information about the access requirements here.


Once you have pre-registered and your place has been confirmed, the next and final step is to complete your enrolment.

The total fee of the course depends on the number of ECTS inscribed plus the student insurance, management fees and university fees.

  • The price of the ECTS credit for the 2025-26 course is 147 €.
  • The fixed price of university fees, management fees and insurance for the 2025-26 academic year is 250 €.
  • The total amount of the course for 60 ECTS is 9.070 €.

Payment options

  • Option 1. Full (single payment)
    If you pay the full course upon enrollment a 3% discount is applied to the total amount of the ECTS .
  • Option 2. In instalments (3 payments)
    First payment: 3.628 € (at the time of enrolment)
    Second payment: 2.721 € (before 5/11/25)
    Third payment: 2.721 € (before 5/1/26)
  • Option 3. In instalments (10 payments)
    Consists of an initial payment of 3.535€ upon enrollment (includes university taxes) + 9 monthly installments of 615€ (from October to June).

Scholarships and grants

As a BAU Bachelor student, you can take advantage of different scholarships and grants throughout your academic life at the center, as well as special discounts and preferential internal and external financing conditions.


The quality of the BAU pedagogical system is guaranteed by various indicators and reports by the seals of (AQU, RUCT, EUC ...). Visit the Quality section.

Degree registered in the Register of Universities, Centers and Titles, RUCT

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