Projects from Bachelor Degree in Design
Discover the talent and creativity of our students through their outstanding projects.Rodeo Digital
by Harry Escott
Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication

Rodeo Digital® is a critical design project that presents a series of reflections, doubts and frustrations about the status quo, nature, and the reality of the modern designer.
This seemingly endless dialogue between different points of view materializes through a collection of varied pieces, exploring different formats and supports, as well as interventions between nature and society.
All of these are used as a way of communicating these frustrations with everyday life to the world; as a form of protest, and personal revolution, against the system.
Nº 2164: Study on uniformity
by Daniel Sirera
Mention in Fashion Design

This research addresses the historical evolution of the uniform, from its military roots to its various current manifestations, strongly influenced by the industrial revolution and capitalist ideology. It recognizes the duality of the positive and negative agencies of uniforms and highlights the crucial differences between unity and uniformity. In the contemporary context, all aspects of society have become uniform. The study emphasizes the need to understand the differences between work uniforms, which often deny individuality, and leisure uniforms, such as those in football, which foster collectivity while reaffirming individual identity.
by Esther Ji
Mention in Audiovisual Design

VESTIGIO is an audiovisual autoethnography that investigates cultural traces from the emptiness of their presence due to a family diaspora. Last year, my grandparents returned to Fangshan, their hometown in China, while the rest of the family and I live in Barcelona. As a result of the absence generated by the physical distance, the need arises to travel with the camera to record a tacit knowledge that, due to their absence, had disappeared in my home. The project reflects on cultural heritage, migrations, family diasporas, expectations, idealisms, and gaps generated in a vital context situated between cultures and territories. The fear of emptiness and the loss of a family cultural heritage, as the central axis, and the search for the tacit knowledge of my grandparents, as a response, are formalized through an audiovisual documentary project that highlights the value of our own cultural vestiges.
Museu del Disseny de Barcelona
by Carlos García i Anna García
Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication

by Sílvia Picanyol
Mention in Interior Design

Through the design of a self-sustainable home – which serves as a case study – based on traditional Japanese architecture and its relationship with the environment, the blurring of interior and exterior, spatial indeterminacy, and flexible and multipurpose spaces; on innovation through Low-Tech, materiality, and passive strategies; everything that questions our way of living and brings us back to the origins, to nature, is brought to light. Starting from the creation of a grid that originates from seeking compatibility between the sizes of tatami and current modular and prefabricated construction systems, OFF THE GRID! aims to push the limits of new construction logics to ultimately develop a universal grid construction system that allows for infinite combinations.
by Carla Surroca
Mention in Interior Design

(Co)miendo, born from the need to investigate interspecies relationships between humans and other living beings, creating connections through eating and care. This research proposes a reflection, a new coexistence and a paradigm shift to explore new pathways towards relationships, care, links and bonds between humans and non-humans during eating moments, establishing a critical perspective through speculative design. My objective stems from the need to create furniture that fosters dynamic interactions within the interspecies framework. By modifying materiality and space-time, I use the concept of the table to establish new connections through the everyday action of eating. (Co)miendo is an investigation into interspecies design, where a new design aims to reveal and achieve a careful approach to plants, insects, and bacteria, in which matter, body, and knowledge are cohesively intertwined. This project seeks to reflect on the relationships we have with our environment, prioritizing care and strengthening the bond with other living beings in a moment of presence as intended by the act of eating.
Policías y tránsfugas
by Lucía Valle
Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication

Queer theory coins the term “gender police” to name the systems of control, threats and punishments that our society articulates to reinforce a binary gender system and castrate dissident realities. Through these systems, a power dynamic is established between the police and the persecuted, the deserters from the side of binarism: the turncoats. This editorial piece acts as a junk drawer, collecting thoughts, references and experiments, through which it is questioned what or who these police officers are, the executing hands of the system, and how they play their role. But also that of the turncoats, and of course, that of all of us, in an exercise of introspection, to ask ourselves questions about our political and social role and responsibility, whether from one side of the spectrum of normativity or another. Form and content support each other from horizontality, and through design as a language, they hybridize, generating new ideas.
Flora Futura
by Andrea López
Mention in Audiovisual Design

Imagining futures in the relationship between technology and nature, the extension of the boundaries of synthetic biology is proposed with the introduction of artificial plant species to help mitigate these impacts. A qualitative method is employed based on existing works and readings, as well as reflections obtained from interviews with experts in this field. Within the experimental framework, an iterative design process is used, including observation, diagramming, sketching, and digital exploration for idea visualization. This process, combined with the analysis of methodologies for bioremediation, defines the functional and aesthetic criteria of the synthetic species, aiming to translate these characteristics into three-dimensional models.
Començar la casa per la teulada
by Rita Oliveras
Mention in Fashion Design

This project focuses on the relationship with space that both disciplines have, on how they become habitable enclosures, and on the importance of access in different structures. How, without the possibility of occupying interior space, architecture could be perceived merely as a sculpture, and fashion could be seen simply as a cloth. Thus, the presence of the “hole” not only responds to a practical function of entry but also establishes a vital connection with human nature, satisfying the needs for shelter and protection. Through this perspective, it is concluded that the hole, as an element of access and habitation, is fundamental to defining the essence and purpose of architecture and fashion.
Who is Going to Design All the Shit That We Don't Need
by Irene Lladó
Mention in Audiovisual Design

Walls of Memory
by Jana Serra
Mention in Fashion Design

Al Marge
by Noelia Quero
Mention in Audiovisual Design

Al Marge [On the Sidelines] is a design research project on urban peripheries, a critical review of the conception of the dominant view of the city, understood as the center, which often identifies them as non-place. This project arises from the questioning of how the link between a subject and a territory affects the meaning attributed to the latter. And, on the other hand, how this link also conditions the capacity of observation and the way of living a territory. Focusing on the periphery of Barcelona, specifically on the perimeter areas of the Llobregat River and the main roads leading into the city, the project reflects on how we think and inhabit the urban and semi-urban territory. Drifting becomes the main methodology of research, observation and knowledge of the territory. These drifts are recorded with different media to subsequently form a constellation of cartographic pieces that (re)present the territory beyond the geographical landscape.
by Pol Uñó i Iona Pròsper
Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication

UCA, Lia Kali
by Mar Llubià, Mina Marcos, Irene Rubio i Antonia Schlack
Mention in Audiovisual Design

Como en Casa en Ningún Sitio
by Bet Casals, Nora de Mena i Paula Perroni
Mention in Interior Design

"Como en casa ningún sitio” is a project that seeks to rethink public spaces and the way we interact in them. People who use public transport suffer from stops with drafts, vandalism and suspicious smells. There is not a single moment of comfort in these stops and the only place where you can rest is on a yellow plastic strip.
This new street house provides passersby with a cozy corner to interact, rest and read while waiting for the bus and navigating through the city, integrating with the urban fabric and bringing the context of the private to the streets.
Amish Association
by Laura López
Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication

by Sandra Rey
Mention in Fashion Design

Curso: 3o
Asignatura: Proyectos III
One and Sixty Chairs
by Sara Cladellas
Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication

Beyond Your Move
by Karina Zambrana, Aina Ortet, Laura Gili y Maria Prous
Mention in Audiovisual Design

Curso: 4o
Asignatura: Tipografía en movimiento
Amics dels Museus
by Alba Ballesteros i Àngela Gonzalez
Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication

Curso: 2o
Asignatura: Iniciación a los proyectos de diseño II
Desdibuixant Límits
by Míriam Lalmolda y Laia Soler
Mention in Interior Design

Premios Habitàcola 2022
Gordiola i l'Art del Vidre
by Andreu Rigo
Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication

Since its origins in the late 13th century in Venice, the art of glassblowing has expanded throughout Europe and reached the island of Mallorca, where the Gordiola family has been pioneers for over 300 years. This branding project is not only a tribute to this family business, but also a modernization with a historical perspective of their corporate identity, using as a key element a custom-made typography designed based on an old sign of the company.
by Anna Ruiz
Mention in Audiovisual Design

Aineta is a short film about the transition from childhood to adolescence, a new unknown stage, along with new physi- cal changes. The short film tells the story of Aina, a twelve-year-old girl, who begins to assume that she is ceasing to be a girl. With the help of her friends, she begins to discover the world in a different way, entering a new stage without knowing how to cope. A sudden event during an afternoon of theater rehearsal will result in a reality shock that she won’t know how to deal with.
Winner of a Laus Gold Award in the Student category, final degree project.
A Frame For Work. Neuroscience & design
by Guillermina Gassó
Mention in Interior Design

‘A Frame for Work’ is born out of the curiosity of how can the workplace be improved and rethought for the well-being of the people who inhabit the space. Since the covid pandemic, new ways of working and new necessities have been created. The paradigm of work life has evolved. A new question arises: before designing an office, shouldn’t we ask why?