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Projects from Bachelor Degree in Design


by Sandra Rey

Mention in Fashion Design
Stradivarius Stradivarius Stradivarius Stradivarius Stradivarius Stradivarius

Curso: 3o
Asignatura: Proyectos III

Técnicas infográficas I

by Gerard Pita

Mention in Interior Design
Técnicas infográficas I Técnicas infográficas I Técnicas infográficas I

Curso: 3o
Asignatura: Técnicas infográficas I

Beyond Your Move

by Karina Zambrana, Aina Ortet, Laura Gili y Maria Prous

Mention in Audiovisual Design
Beyond Your Move Beyond Your Move Beyond Your Move Beyond Your Move

Curso: 4o
Asignatura: Tipografía en movimiento

Amics dels Museus

by Alba Ballesteros i Àngela Gonzalez

Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication
Amics dels Museus Amics dels Museus Amics dels Museus Amics dels Museus

Curso: 2o
Asignatura: Iniciación a los proyectos de diseño II

Hello nice to meet you!

by Iona Pròsper

Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication
Hello nice to meet you! Hello nice to meet you! Hello nice to meet you! Hello nice to meet you! Hello nice to meet you!

Curso: 4o
Asignatura: Diseño y Comunicación

Desdibuixant Límits

by Míriam Lalmolda y Laia Soler

Mention in Interior Design
Desdibuixant Límits Desdibuixant Límits Desdibuixant Límits Desdibuixant Límits

Premios Habitàcola 2022

Graphic Workshop and Visual Communication II

by Chennan Ni

Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication
Graphic Workshop and Visual Communication II Graphic Workshop and Visual Communication II Graphic Workshop and Visual Communication II Graphic Workshop and Visual Communication II Graphic Workshop and Visual Communication II

Course: 3th
Subject: Graphic Workshop and Visual Communication II

Desdigitalizando para el rastro

by Susana Martínez

Mention in Interior Design
Desdigitalizando para el rastro Desdigitalizando para el rastro Desdigitalizando para el rastro Desdigitalizando para el rastro Desdigitalizando para el rastro Desdigitalizando para el rastro Desdigitalizando para el rastro Desdigitalizando para el rastro

Collective memory is shared and fundamental to our identities. Our past is presented to us day by day through the present and defines us as a culture. We preserve and value those archaeological pieces that survive time, that tell the story and serve as a document of what we once were as a species. Authenticity, antiquity and representation make the preserved pieces valuable. In the historical timeline, each culture leaves as a legacy some kind of evidence that immortalizes its existence. It is inevitable to manifest ourselves through the objects and things that in life we used or had an important relevance for us. In our increasingly digitally coexistent present, what kind of archaeological legacy will we leave to our descendants to explain who we were and how we lived? Digitized things have a more complex reading for those who do not know them, than things pertaining to the material. With tangible objects, we impregnate the representative with links and feelings. In this project I teeter between the fine difference between the digital and material planes, with the objective of producing hybrid pieces in technique that document our present.


by Laura Bonnin

Mention in Audiovisual Design
Voramar Voramar Voramar Voramar Voramar Voramar

El proyecto se presenta como un audiovisual de autoficción donde la autora revisa su mochila emocional, fuertemente marcada por el duelo, para transformarla en una pieza artística, utilizado el proceso creativo como herramienta sanadora.

Gordiola i l'Art del Vidre

by Andreu Rigo

Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication
Gordiola i l'Art del Vidre Gordiola i l'Art del Vidre Gordiola i l'Art del Vidre Gordiola i l'Art del Vidre Gordiola i l'Art del Vidre Gordiola i l'Art del Vidre

Since its origins in the late 13th century in Venice, the art of glassblowing has expanded throughout Europe and reached the island of Mallorca, where the Gordiola family has been pioneers for over 300 years. This branding project is not only a tribute to this family business, but also a modernization with a historical perspective of their corporate identity, using as a key element a custom-made typography designed based on an old sign of the company.

On menja un en mengen dos

by Alba Gener

Mention in Interior Design
On menja un en mengen dos On menja un en mengen dos On menja un en mengen dos On menja un en mengen dos On menja un en mengen dos On menja un en mengen dos On menja un en mengen dos

Individualism has become a consolidated pillar in today’s capitalist society, prioritizing freedom and individual needs over collective interests, and placing personal success as the ultimate goal in life. This mindset is reflected in physical spaces, as we increasingly tend to create private domains governed by our own preferences and desires, rather than fostering shared spaces that promote coexistence and social cohesion. “On menja un en mengen dos” proposes the use of festivities and celebrations as tools to foster community spaces, creating a series of objects that compel us to journey together with the aim of reimagining a more cohesive and resilient society.

Dressing For Heaven

by Juan Antonio Santander Trunces

Mention in Fashion Design
Dressing For Heaven Dressing For Heaven Dressing For Heaven Dressing For Heaven Dressing For Heaven Dressing For Heaven

El projecte posa en qüestió els valors de la cultura de l'èxit i la meritocràcia, creant paral·lelismes conceptuals i estètics, donant peu a un imaginari comú que es materialitzarà en una constel·lació de peces que, amb un cert to irònic, pretendrà representar aquest ritual de “vestir-se per a l'èxit.


by Anna Ruiz

Mention in Audiovisual Design
Aineta Aineta Aineta Aineta Aineta Aineta

Aineta is a short film about the transition from childhood to adolescence, a new unknown stage, along with new physi- cal changes. The short film tells the story of Aina, a twelve-year-old girl, who begins to assume that she is ceasing to be a girl. With the help of her friends, she begins to discover the world in a different way, entering a new stage without knowing how to cope. A sudden event during an afternoon of theater rehearsal will result in a reality shock that she won’t know how to deal with.

The Fox Sisters

by Manuel Mateos

Mention in Fashion Design
The Fox Sisters The Fox Sisters The Fox Sisters The Fox Sisters

El proyecto toma un encargo para una microópera del Liceu como punto de partida, y a partir de ahí el autor se adentra en el mundo del figurinismo y el rol del figurinista, poniendo especial énfasis en el proceso de creación y desarrollo. 

A Frame For Work. Neuroscience & design

by Guillermina Gassó

Mention in Interior Design
A Frame For Work. Neuroscience & design A Frame For Work. Neuroscience & design A Frame For Work. Neuroscience & design A Frame For Work. Neuroscience & design A Frame For Work. Neuroscience & design A Frame For Work. Neuroscience & design

‘A Frame for Work’ is born out of the curiosity of how can the workplace be improved and rethought for the well-being of the people who inhabit the space. Since the covid pandemic, new ways of working and new necessities have been created. The paradigm of work life has evolved. A new question arises: before designing an office, shouldn’t we ask why?

Shifting Visions

by Cristina Morera y Dani Bega

Mention in Audiovisual Design
Shifting Visions Shifting Visions Shifting Visions Shifting Visions Shifting Visions Shifting Visions

Un videoensayo sobre la transición entre las diferentes etapas de la consciencia humana, desde la atención más llena hasta la abstracción más onírica. El proyecto recrea todo un imaginario audiovisual arrastrando al espectador hacia un viaje en su propia lucidez.

Territorios deshilachados

by Aina Anderton

Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication
Territorios deshilachados Territorios deshilachados Territorios deshilachados Territorios deshilachados Territorios deshilachados Territorios deshilachados

'Territorios deshilachados' is born from the need to register and give visibility to the customs, gestures, voices and spaces that are disappearing over time. With the aim of making rural reality visible and connecting with other rhythms, I travel to Castrotañe, the village in Galicia where my grandmother lives, to portray through analogue photography, the oblivion of the villages, their people and their knowledge. Back in the city, I transfer my experiences to a loom, recovering on the one hand, a traditional technique, and on the other, re-spinning stories and experiences, giving new life to the forgotten.


by Alba Selva

Mention in Fashion Design
Apedaçats Apedaçats Apedaçats Apedaçats

El proyecto se basa en la creación de una colección de moda sostenible a partir de los principios de la economía circular, utilizando técnicas minuciosas como el ganchillo y el patchwork para dar una segunda vida a las piezas de ropa cedidas por la Fundación Horitzó del Berguedà.

Interdependencias ¿Con quién somos?

by Gemma Planella

Mention in Interior Design
Interdependencias ¿Con quién somos? Interdependencias ¿Con quién somos? Interdependencias ¿Con quién somos? Interdependencias ¿Con quién somos?

El proyecto reivindica la importancia de empezar a diseñar desde una perspectiva posthumanista, y lo hace a partir de un ejercicio de resiginificación del polvo y el lugar que ocupa en nuestras vides. ¿Es posible saber quién somos a través de un elemento tan repudiada como el polvo? 


by David Mallen

Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication
Remote Remote Remote Remote

El proyecto es una experiencia inmersiva digital que utiliza la realidad virtual como medio para trasladarnos en un universo paralelo, habitado por tipografías con textura, forma y vida propias. 

Notes on disorientation. Un diálogo en torno a la fisicalidad de lo queer.

by Erika Sarrias i Josu Larrea

Mention in Graphic Design and Visual Communication
Notes on disorientation. Un diálogo en torno a la fisicalidad de lo queer. Notes on disorientation. Un diálogo en torno a la fisicalidad de lo queer. Notes on disorientation. Un diálogo en torno a la fisicalidad de lo queer. Notes on disorientation. Un diálogo en torno a la fisicalidad de lo queer. Notes on disorientation. Un diálogo en torno a la fisicalidad de lo queer.

Una investigació sobre com és ser queer a l’actualitat i la relació amb l’espai públic i privat, recollida una peça editorial en forma de converses, experiències, imatges i referents.