Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts

Mariona Moncunill

PhD. Artist. Researcher. Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts Projects department

Qualifications and academic training

  • PhD in Information and Knowledge Society. Open University of Catalonia, UOC
  • Predoctoral stay at Institut für Soziologie, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Halle (Saale) (2016)
  • Predoctoral stay at Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano de Medellín - ITM_ Institución Universitaria. Medellin (2015)
  • Master in Cultural Management. University of Barcelona
  • Degree in fine arts. University of Barcelona

Activity and/or professional career

She currently combines teaching with artistic practice and academic research. She has also worked in different projects and cultural institutions as coordinator of exhibitions, publications and educational activities.


  • Act in an emergency. Rethinking the design agency during (and after) COVID-19. Bau and Royal Academy of Spain in Rome (2020-2024)
  • Young people's imaginaries of the future (YoungFut). (CSO2017-88594-P). UOC. Research assistant (2018-2020)
  • WgIRKT (Writing group on Interdisciplinary Research and Knowledge Transfer), EU Project SoftControl, Hangar (2015)


  • Emotion memories and emotional expressions in autobiographical interviews, Emotions and Society. In collaboration, online, pending print publication (2023)
  • Ocio y trabajo en las fábricas de Mataro. Re-visiones 12 (2022)
  • Distanciamiento social y COVID-19. Distancias y proximidades desde una perspectiva relacional. Revista de Estudios Sociales, no. 78:75-92 (2021)
  • Imaginarios de no-futuro de los jóvenes: Mapeando futuros no deseados. Cuadernos De Teoría Social, 6 (11), 121-153 (2020)
  • The Practice of Everyday Museum Making: Naturalization and empowerment in the amateur consumption of museographic language. European Journal of Cultural Studies (2017)
  • Museum-making as serious leisure. Digithum. Humanities in the digital age, 2015/17, 20-27 (2015)
  • La reducción de las dimensiones físicas resulta en una multiplicación de las propiedades ideológicas. URBS, Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Ciencias Sociales, vol3, n2 (2013)


He has exhibited his work in individual and collective exhibitions in a wide variety of museums, fairs and art centers such as MUSAC (León, 2018), the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome (Rome, 2017), MAC (Mataró, 2017), Espai 13 Fundació Joan Miró (Barcelona, 2012), Convent dels Àngels del MACBA (Barcelona, 2014), Espacio Cultural Caja Madrid (Barcelona, 2010), Gallery Augusta (Helsinki, 2013), Center d'Art Lo Pati (Amposta, 2013) or Arts Santa Monica (Barcelona, 2013).


  • Resignation and Feelings of Helplessness in Young People's (lack of) Involvement in Shared Futures. THE 9th MIDTERM CONFERENCE ON EMOTIONS. RN 11 “Sociology of Emotions” of the European Sociological Association (ESA), in collaboration (2020)
  • Risk, Fear and Preparedness in times of Covid19. THE 9th MIDTERM CONFERENCE ON EMOTIONS. RN 11 “Sociology of Emotions” of the European Sociological Association (ESA), in collaboration (2020)
  • The Practice of Everyday (Amateur) Museum Making, Communicant, The Museum in the Global Contemporary: Debating the Museum of Now, Leicester, UK, (2016)



  • Consolidada de la revista Artiga (2023)
  • Generación 2014 (2013)
  • Miquel Casablancas (2008)

Grants & Scholarships

  • Barcelona Crea (2022)
  • Recerca i la innovació en l'àmbit de les artsvisuals (2022)
  • 24ª de primavera de l'Escala (2022)
  • Ramón Acín de Artes Plásticas (2011)
  • Creació Artística Fundació Guasch Coranty (2010)

Air programs

  • HIAP (Helsinki, 2013)
  • Rupert (Vilnius, 2013)


Complete artistic CV here