Master in Audiovisual Innovation & Interactive Environments

Mónica Rikić

Degree in fine arts. Electronic art and creative programming. Master in Audiovisual Innovation & Interactive Environments Coordinator.

Qualifications and academic training

  • Master in Digital Arts
  • Master in Contemporary Philosophy (ongoing)
  • Degree in Fine Arts

Activity and / or professional career

Master in Audiovisual Innovation & Interactive Environments Coordinator. She focuses his practice on creative code and electronics, combining them with non-objects to create interactive projects often framed as experimental games and robotic installations. His interest lies in the social impact of technology. From approaches educational to sociological experimentation, attempts to propose new forms of interact with the digital environment that surrounds us.
She has done artistic residencies at TAG in Montreal, QUT in Australia, Platohedro in Medellín, Medialab Prado in Madrid and Etopia in Sargossa.


She has participated in international festivals such as Ars Electronica in Linz, Creative Tech Week in New York, Robotronica to Austalia or FILE in Brazil, among others, and has exhibited at Catalan institutions such as the CCCB, Arts Santa Mónica or Design Hub.


She has been awarded at the Japan Media Arts Festival, Amaze Berlin, Margaret Guthman Musical Instrument Competition (Atlanta) and with a Leonardo grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators from the BBVA Foundation 2018.
Recently one of her pieces has been incorporated into the art .BEEP {collection;} electronic.