Alejandra López Gabrielidis
PhD. Degree in Philosophy. Art and digital technologies
Qualifications and academic training
- Degree in Aesthetic (major in Philosophy). National University of Cuyo, Mendoza (Argentina)
- Master in Art and Digital Technology. University of Rennes 2, Rennes (France)
- Doctorate "Advanced Studies in Artistic Productions" in the branch "Art in the Digital Age" of the University of Barcelona in co-tutelage with the Rennes 2 University (France)
Activity and/or professional career
Philosopher specialized in art and digital technologies. In her research, she examines the new modalities of corporeality that arise in relation to the phenomenon of dataification, analyzing the relationships that are woven between data and the body from a paradigm of distributed agency and cognition.
She currently works as a researcher in Technopolitics (UOC / IN3) and is co-coordinator of the Vector of Sociotechnical Conceptualization. Likewise, she works as a professor of Critical Theories of Interactive Design, Digital Behavior and Internet Mining at ELISAVA. She has translated the book by Franco "Bifo" Berardi 'Fenomenología del Fin. Sensibilidad y mutación conectiva' (Caja Negra, 2017) and published articles and essays in various magazines and publishers.
- Sssssssilex. Publicació de l'exposició de Paco Chanivet Sssssssilex. Barcelona: La Capella i Barcelona Producció, 2018
- “Gamestop: ¿democratizar el mercado con una app o cooptar a la multitud?” in Atenea Cyborg - El Salto Diario. In collaboration, 2021
- “Datificación y corporalidad digital: ¿Son los datos un nuevo cuerpo?” in Atenea Cyborg - El Salto Diario, 2021
- “The Digital Sublime: Orientation Strategies for Vertiginous World”. Temes de Disseny, [online] Vol. 1, Num. 37, pp. 226-43. In collaboration, 2021
- “Nosotrxs, nuestros cuerpos (de datos): la justicia reproductiva como marco de soberanía digital”a Democràcia i Tecnologia en temps d'emergència. Ajuntament de Barcelona. Publicació del Decidim Fest. Chapter of the book. In collaboration, 2020
- “Corpo-realidades que abracen otras escalas de existencia” en Cuerpo y Ficción. Publicació editada per Dilalica per a l'exposició “Cos y ficción”. Chapter of the book, 2020
- “Infomaterialidad” en Cíborgs, zombies y quimeras. La cibercultura y las cibervanguardias, Barcelona: Holobionte Ediciones. Chapter of the book, 2020
- “Las fronteras del cuerpo y del objeto técnico en la subjetividad contemporánea” en Logos e Historia. Las fronteras del presente filosófico, Mendoza (Argentina), pp. 79-101. ISBN: 978-950-774-313-9. Chapter of the book, 2017