Master's Degree in Design Research

Marta Camps

Doctor in Educational Innovation. Degree in fine arts. Pedagogical and artistic researcher.

Degrees and academic training

  • Doctor in Educational Innovation and Intervention. UVic-UCC
  • Master in Creative Intelligence, Mercedes Boronat.
  • Master in Theory and Criticism of Contemporary Art. UB
  • Degree in fine arts. UB

Activity and/or professional career

  • Consultant specialising in Education and Creativity
  • Ex-pedagogical director of BAU
  • Former Head of Studies for BAU's Bachelor's Degree in Design
  • Lecturer in art and transdisciplinary design projects.
  • Researcher in pedagogical innovation.


“Saber en acción. Prácticas pedagógicas indisciplinadas" doctoral thesis supervised by Dr. Jaron Rowan and Dr. Mariona Genís. The research, based on pedagogical experiments and methodological challenges, questions the disciplinary boundaries and ways of learning/teaching that take place in classrooms arts and design.

I investigate how we learn and teach creative practices, what I call knowledge in action. I welcome and exercise the research and experimentation of projects based on practices in arts and design where the disciplinary boundaries of knowledge are blurred and where social action is significant.


  • Theory under suspicion: criticality and material meaning in practice based research’, Cumulus Roma 2021 Proceedings. Co-author with J. Rowan (2021)
  • Investigación en diseño. BAU Editions. Co-author with J. Rowan (2021)
  • Indisciplinares: explorando la práctica como método de investigación en diseño. Designs, 14, 100–117. Co-author with J. Rowan (2019)
  • Diagramas como materialización de la investigación en arte y diseño. Aniav, 1(3), 53–66. Co-author with J. Rowan (2018)
  • Investigación en diseño: Suturando cuerpos, cacharros, epistemologías y lunas. Artnodes, 20, 1–9. Co-author with J. Rowan (2017)