This subject belongs to the department of Cultural Contexts
- Studies: Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts
- Credits: 6 ECTS
- Year: First year
- Type: Basic Training
- Subject code: GBF031
This subject deals with the relationship that aesthetic philosophy (and what we understand as art, beauty, creativity, sensitivity, aesthetic experience) establishes over time with cultural, social, political, ethical, and technical variables. Starting from a series of key concepts that define aesthetic ideas in the West and the sensitivities of each era, it makes a journey through how these concepts have manifested in history and in artistic practice. Understood as an experimental laboratory, this subject aims to create a map or guide to address the complex historical, philosophical and artistic framework of the field of aesthetics, generating itineraries, layers, and overlaps in time that promote a critical analysis of this.
Alejandra López Gabrielidis
PhD. Degree in Philosophy. Art and digital technologies