Master in Fashion Creative Direction

Anna Forés

PhD in Philosophy

Degrees and academic training

  • PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the University of Barcelona (UB)
  • Degree in Pedagogy from the University of Barcelona (UB)

Activity and/or professional career

Co-director of the UB-EDU 1st. Neuroeducation chair, and professor at the UB.
Her dedication focuses on everything that has to do with education and humanization, in continuing to believe in the human race and in improving education. Therefore, resilience, neuroeducation and commitment to education are key elements.


She is a member of the GR-EMA research group (environments and materials for learning) of the IDP-ICE of the UB, and of the Innovation group INDAGA'T (Teaching Innovation Group to promote Inquiry). She registered with the IDP-ICE University section for publications and good teaching practices.


Passionate about education and how we learn, she is the author of articles and more than 16 books on educational issues.

  • 'Pedagogías emergentes: 14 preguntas para el debate', Educación Universitaria
  • 'Neuromitos en educación. El aprendizaje desde la neurociencia', Plataforma Editorial
  • 'Los patitos feos y los cisnes negros. Resiliencia y Neurociencia', Plataforma Editorial