Master in Stage Design and Art Direction

Txalo Toloza

Performer and video artist. Specialist in documentaries

Academic training and qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in Audio-visual Communication from the Institute of Communication Arts and Sciences of Santiago de Chile.
  • Master's Degree in Writing for Film and Television from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Professional activity and/or experience

Performer, video artist, playwright, and stage director. Born in Antofagasta on the coast of the Atacama desert, he trained as a video artist in Santiago de Chile and as a performer and scenic artist, where he has resided and worked since 1997. In 2005 he founded "El Meu Primer Drop", an audio-visual studio that specialises in videographic works dedicated to live arts and performance. In 2015 he created Azkona Toloza, a documentary theatre company, with Laida Azkona Goñi. Together they have developed "Pacific”, a trilogy of works focused on new forms of colonialism, barbarism on the territory and original peoples, and its close relationship with the development of contemporary culture.