Pre-registration and enrolment process for the Master in Design Research

Entry requirements

You can access the master's degree if you have:

  • An official Spanish university degree (regardless of level and duration);
  • A degree issued by a higher education institution in another member state of the European Higher Education Area, which, in the issuing country, entitles access to master's degree studies;
  • A foreign university degree from outside the European Higher Education Area (without the need for homologation) of an equivalent level of education as an official state university degree and which, in the country of origin, entitles access to postgraduate studies.

Admission to the master's degree does not imply, under any circumstances, the recognition of the previous foreign qualification or its recognition for purposes other than that of the studies. In any case, once the studies have been completed, the master's degree obtained will have full official validity.

Admission requirements

  • Hold a previous official university qualification in the disciplines of Design, Fine Arts or Architecture.
  • Subject to special consideration by the Master's Admission Commission, university graduates in Humanities, Sociology and Anthropology will also be considered for admission provided that they can accredit the suitability of their experience in relation to the master's degree by means of a portfolio which demonstrates that they have actively participated in at least 2 design projects or at least 2 research processes in the field of design within the last 2 years.
  • Knowledge of English language equivalent to level B2 of the MECRL. Applicants who do not provide documentary proof of this level must pass a test organised by the UVic-UCC Language School.
  • BAU and UVic-UCC reserve the right not to offer the Master's degree in the instance that the minimum number of students enrolled has not been met.

Selection criteria

  • Academic record of studies completed previously: 60%.
  • Curriculum Vitae: 20%.
  • Presentation of a project proposal or a project carried out in the last two years (book/portfolio): 10%.
  • Presentation of a personal motivation letter from the candidate: 10%.

Pre-registration calendar

Pre-registration period

from 6 November 2024 to 30 September 2025

First period

  • Admission/assignment: Until 31 December 2024, there will be a 5% reduction in the single payment for early admission. After this date until 10 February 2025, regular fees will be applied.
  • Reservation of place: from 11 to 16 February 2025
  • Registration: from 17 to 28 February 2025

Second period

  • Admission/allocation: from 3 March 2025, approximately 7 days after submitting the pre-registration form
  • Place reservation: within 5 calendar days following the admission confirmation
  • Registration: about 15 days after the reservation of the place.
  • The second period will only be opened in the event of vacancies.


1. Check that you meet the admission requirements, that you have the necessary documents and scan them

  1. Check the entry and admission requirements to make sure that you meet the general requirements.
  2. Check that you have all the necessary documents (see Documents section of the Pre-registration).
    Note: For studies outside Spain, it is not necessary to homologate the degree.
  3. Scan (in PDF format) the documentation indicated according to your case and compress it into a .zip file (maximum 6MB).

2. Fill in the pre-registration form

  1. Go to the master's degree website, download and fill in the pre-registration form.
  2. Send the completed pre-registration form together with the .zip file of the documentation to
  3. In the event of any incident, please contact BAU's Academic Secretary's Office by e-mail:, by phone +34 934 153 474 or in person.

3.  Admission Resolution

  1. We will inform you of the Admission Committee's decision by e-mail and provide you with instructions on how to reserve your place.
  2. In case of disagreement with the decision of the Admission Committee, you can file an appeal:
    1. Fill in the appeal form and send it duly signed to the Master's and Postgraduate Secretary's Office. Attach supporting documentation, if applicable.
    2. The Admission Committee will assess the reasons given and will issue a final decision.

4.  Reserve your place

  1. To reserve your place, you need to pay 300€*.
  2. The payment to reserve your place must be made within 5 calendar days from the official notification of admission.
  3. Once payment has been made, send a copy of the payment confirmation to
  4. We will confirm reception by sending you the enrolment application form.
  5. From then on, you will have your place reserved on the master's degree for 15 calendar days, within which you must submit or send the original documentation necessary to formalise your enrolment.

Foreign students who apply for a letter of admission** to these studies need to pay 20% of the registration fee* corresponding to a full academic year.

* Failure to register or to submit the required academic documentation within the established deadline will not result in a refund of the amount paid to reserve a place.

** In case of student visa refusal, the student may request a refund of the money paid as long as the visa application has been submitted to the competent authority at least 30 days before the start date of the course in which he/she has enrolled and upon presentation of the document certifying the refusal. The money paid will then be refunded deducting €200for administrative costs.

5. Send the documentation

Once you have booked your place, submit or send the documentation to:

BAU, Centro Universitario de Artes y Diseño
Secretaría Académica
Calle Pujades, 118.
08005 - Barcelona (Spain)

The documentation to be sent or submitted is:

  • Application form duly completed and signed.
  • 2 original certified copies of the University Degree
  • 2 original certified copies of the official academic transcript of records
  • 2 original certified copies of other official documents (studies outside Spain).

(BAU reserves the right to request the submission of the latter before the admission decision).

The certified copies can be obtained at the same place where the documents to be certified were issued or at a notary (duly registered in Spain). You also have the option of presenting the original documents in person at the BAU Academic Secretary's Office, accompanied by 2 simple copies instead of the 2 certified copies. If the documents are digitally signed, it is not necessary for the copies to be certified.

6. Register for the course

  1. Once we have checked the documentation, we will inform you by e-mail about the form, deadlines and payment of the registration fee.
  2. Once you have paid your registration fee, send the payment confirmation to
  3. You will receive a copy of your definitive registration by e-mail.
  4. Apply for scholarships and grants if you consider it appropriate.
  5. Take advantage of all the Student Services.

Registration is the responsibility of each student, who is therefore obliged to know and respect both the academic and financial regulations of BAU and UVic-UCC. You can consult the rules and regulations of the UVic-UCC at:

How to calculate the tuition fees

Each subject has a different number of credits (see the page of the master's degree for more information). To calculate the price, you need to multiply the total number of credits to be registered by the price-per-credit and then add the fixed cost corresponding to the university fees, administration and compulsory insurance.

The amount corresponding to university fees, administration and compulsory insurance will not be refunded under any circumstances except in the case of cancellation of the course by the centre.

The final price to be paid may vary depending on the chosen payment method, discounts or any other factor that affects the price. For more information about the pre-registration and registration process, please send an email to or call us on +34 934 153 474.

Pre-registration documentation

Required documents

  1. Copy of ID card / Passport / Foreigner's Identity Card / Identification Card.
  2. Personal Academic Certificate of the university degree showing all the taken and passed subjects, the number of hours/credits and the corresponding grades. In case of studies taken abroad, the document must specify the grading system applied. Optionally, this document may be replaced by the European Diploma Supplement (in Catalan, Spanish or English).
  3. University degree or provisional supplementary certification of the degree. (*)
  4. Curriculum Vitae.
  5. Motivation letter.
  6. Book or Portfolio of projects (in PDF format no larger than 4 Mb or link to book).
  7. English language proficiency certificate.
  8. Professional experience.

(*) In case of studies outside Spain: If your degree is not homologated in Spain, you must present a certificate (issued by the centre in which you are studying) stating that, with the studies you have completed, you can access (in the country where you have studied) Master's degree level studies (level 3 of the Spanish Framework for Higher Education Qualification (MECES)) or equivalent.

If you have obtained the access qualification to the master's degree at BAU, the documentation requested in points 2 and 3 is not required.

Optional documents

These documents serve to accredit:

  • Knowledge of a third language
  • Mobility in previous studies
  • ICT skills
  • Research experience
  • Reference letter
  • Other relevant documentation for the master's degree you wish to apply for

Optional documents will be taken into account in case there are more candidates than places available.

Students in their final year of a Bachelor's degree

If you are doing your final year of a Bachelor's Degree*, you can still fill in the pre-registration form; you just need to indicate the expected completion date of your studies. As for the University Degree and the Personal Academic Certificate, you need to present them to the Academic Secretary's Office before the start of the course.

* In case you do not finish your degree studies, you may request a money refund by presenting a document with the stamp and signature of the centre where you have studied that certifies that you have not finished your studies. The money paid will then be refunded except for €250 deducted for administrative costs.

Studies outside Spain

BAU accepts any document issued in Catalan, Spanish or English. If the original document is not in any of these languages, the original must be accompanied by a sworn translation. All non-Spanish documents must be official and issued by the competent authorities, in accordance with the legal system of the country in question, and, where applicable, they must be legalised. Consult the documents legalisation procedure.

In order to access university master's degree studies, it is not necessary to homologate the degree. In any case, one of the two documents must be presented as detailed below:

  1. If you have the degree homologated in the Spanish state, a certified copy of the homologation credential.
  2. If your degree is not homologated, a certificate (issued by the centre where you studied) stating that with the studies you have completed you can access Master's level studies (level 3 of the Spanish Framework for Higher Education Qualification) or equivalent in the country where you studied.

If a sworn translation is required, you can obtain it through one of the following channels:

  • A sworn translator duly authorised or registered in Spain.
  • Any diplomatic or consular representation of Spain abroad.
  • The diplomatic or consular representation in Spain of the country of residence of the applicant or of the country from which the document originates.

Studies carried out within the European Higher Education Area

If you have studied within the EHEA and have completed your studies after a specific academic year (there are slight differences depending on each EHEA country), you can ask your university for the European Diploma Supplement (EDS).

This document accompanies the official university degree with unified information on the studies you have completed. It is a document that contains all the information about your studies and facilitates mobility within the EHEA.

If you have this document and it specifies that you can access studies of at least master's degree level, you do not have to present the documentation from the previous section (Studies outside Spain) nor number 2 of the compulsory documentation (as long as all the subjects you have taken are listed with the corresponding qualification). If you do not have this document, you must submit the documentation detailed in the section Studies outside Spain.