Luz Broto
Artist and teacher. Spatial practices.
Qualifications and academic training
- Post-master ‘Critical Habitats’. Department of Architecture, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm
- Doctorate ‘Art in the digital age. Intermediate Creation. University of Barcelona
Activity and/or professional career
He has developed site-specific projects, in the form of interventions, actions or laboratories, for different contexts of exhibitions, residences, workshops, commissioners or scholarships, in different countries for fifteen years, in collaboration with institutions such as Manifesta, Secession, MACBA, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea , CA2M, La Casa Encendida, Center d'Art la Panera, IN RESIDENCE, La Paz or L'Estruch Cultural Center.
Some of her works are part of public collections such as MUSAC, MACBA or MAMBO.
In the local context, in 2013 she co-founded GRAF.cat, a platform for contemporary creation in Catalonia. In 2021 she is part of the selection and monitoring team for BCN Producció projects, La Capella (Barcelona).
She combines her artistic practice with teaching since 2019 in the Master of Artistic Productions and Research and in the Degree in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona.
She is currently a resident at HANGAR.
Her work attends to the use of built space and the sociability that it generates. She carries out specific interventions in both public and private spaces and at different scales such as those of architecture, urbanism or the territory.
In recent years, she has worked with the notion of outdoor space as an intermediate zone of connection between indoor spaces, with actions that try to reinforce what is common in the urban environment.
- To put oneself in the place of the other / Posar-se al lloc de l'altre. Museum of Granollers, Manifest, 2021-22
- Quatre parets. ethall, 2021
- To Surface. Royal Institute of Art, 2017
- Donar pas a allò desconegut. BCN Producció, La Capella, 2012
- Una paret. MACBA Collection. Prelude. poetic intention, 2023
- Swap Keys. Manifest 14 Prishtina, Kosovo, 2022
- Quatre parets. Perllongar els pilars. Ethall, Barcelona Gallery Weekend, 2021
- Duplicar ordres. Leandre Cristòfol Biennial, Center d'Art La Panera, 2021
- Anar de banda a banda. Aprenentança, La Casa Encendida - ETSIDI, Madrid, 2019
- Exposar les columnes. Dilalica, Barcelona, 2019
- Plastic Arts Scholarships from the Botín Foundation, Santander (2022)
- Artists in Residence. La Casa Encendida, CA2M, MACBA (2019)
- Research Grant Architecture Department. Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm (2017)
- Residence Blueproject Foundation. Blueproject Foundation, Barcelona (2015)
- Art Nou First View Award 2014. La Capella, Barcelona (2014)
- Miquel Casablancas Award. Sant Andreu Contemporani, Barcelona (2010)
- Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts