Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts

Paula Bruna

Doctor, artist and environmentalist

Degrees and academic training

  • Doctor of Fine Arts (UB, 2021)
  • Graduated in Fine Arts (UB, 2017)
  • Master in Environmental Sciences (UAB, 2002)
  • Bachelor of Environmental Sciences (UAB, 2000)

Activity and/or professional career

She has worked for more than 15 years as an environmentalist in environmental policy. Her artistic work has been presented at conferences, publications, workshops, exhibitions (in places such as MEIAC, CCCB, Arts Santa Mònica, Can Felipa, SWAB Barcelona Art Fair, Kunstraum Lakeside) and festivals (Festus de Torelló, Bianyal, ExAbrupto , Aplec Saó, Projector International Videoart Festival).

She has had the support of various scholarships for artistic research (Guasch-Coranty 2018-19, La Escocesa 2019, OSIC Generalitat de Catalunya 2020 and 2022, CREA 2022).

She is currently an artist in residence at La Escocesa creation factory (Barcelona).


From her double perspective as an environmentalist and an artist, she uses artistic research as a form of knowledge in which different disciplines are hybridized. She investigates approaches to non-human realities through a combination of scientific basis, speculative fiction and artistic practice, in projects such as El Plantoceno or Los otros residents. Her hypothesis is that exploring points of view which differ from the current anthropocentrism has an effect on the ecological awareness and broadens the range of possible forms of coexistence.



Awards and honours

  • Scholarships for research and innovation in the fields of visual arts, our creative sectors, performing arts, music and thought. Cultural Initiative Support Office, Generalitat de Catalunya (2022-2020)
  • Barcelona CREA Scholarship, ICUB, Barcelona City Council (2022)
  • MH Cum Laude for the thesis “Art and political ecology. A journey from the anthropocentric model to the realities of non-humans” (2021)
  • Scholarship for artistic creation Fundació Guasch Coranty (2018-2019)
  • Extraordinary Award of the Bachelor in Fine Arts (2017)