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Visualisation and Documentation Workshop

This subject belongs to the department of Projects

  • Studies: Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts
  • Credits: 6 ECTS
  • Year: First year
  • Type: Basic Training
  • Subject code: GBF021


This subject is designed to provide the tools for communicating artistic work through audiovisual and graphic means effectively, accurately, and creatively in professional practice. It is based on the premise that the means of visualization and documentation of artistic work are also the means to shape the practice, and not merely a recording tool. The subject proposes specific practical exercises, focused on exploring specific problems and experimenting with different analog and digital tools. The exercises are contextualized through historical and theoretical frameworks that allow each proposal to be situated in relation to its tradition and contemporary languages, with specific references and the analysis of their different physical, aesthetic, and cultural dimensions.

Course Syllabus


David Ortiz Juan, Master in Visual Arts. Artistic production.

David Ortiz Juan

Master in Visual Arts. Artistic production.

Irena Visa, Visual artist and teacher

Irena Visa

Visual artist and teacher