Processes and Projects Laboratory IV
This subject belongs to the department of Projects
- Studies: Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts
- Credits: 6 ECTS
- Year: Third year
- Type: Required
- Subject code: GBB023
In the third year, students are in a position to begin a process of consolidation and singularization of their work, relating developing projects to their own practice repertoire and references. It is also the moment to approach the contextualization and socialization of their practice from projects that progressively acquire a professional character. Processes and Projects Laboratory IV, part of Processes and Projects, aims at maturing students' work in its formalization and associative resonances, as well as in the forms of exhibition and presentation. As in all the subjects within this course, a series of challenges and specific frameworks are proposed, encouraging the students to be active agents in their learning process alongside teachers and peers.
Irina Rusell
Artista visual y docente