Critical Practices in the Arts, Science and Technology
This subjet is part of the Major Critical Practices and Contemporary Debates
- Studies: Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts
- Credits: 6 ECTS
- Year: Third and Fourth year
- Type: Elective
- Mention: Electives Degree in Fine Arts
- Subject code: GBAOP19
The subject Critical Practices in Arts, Sciences and Technologies fosters students' understanding of situated practice and offers them the opportunity to expand their interests in the broad field of sciences and technologies. Within this subject, students need to develop proposals that are discursively and/or operationally inscribed in a given context. This subject invites students to think of their own work as an indivisible link between theory and practice, in the form of an action that consciously examines and considers the premises from which it operates and the relationship it establishes with the world.
Critical practices: action in art as a link between theory and practice in the field of sciences and technologies. Referents, contexts, forms and methods of critical practices in the field of sciences and technologies. Development of a personal artistic practice within a real and/or discursive context in the domain of sciences and technologies, with an emphasis on the operational and epistemic frameworks it deploys and the relationship with the audience.
Learning Outcomes
- Ability to collect and interpret data and information on which to base conclusions, including reflections on issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature in the field of artistic practices.
- Show critical reflection skills in the processes linked to the professional practice.
- Perform processes of evaluation of own and others' practice in a critical and responsible way.
- Critically analyze artistic practices, their forms, methods and contexts in their interaction with the fields of sciences and technologies.
- Ability to accurately identify, in own work and in the work of others, different real and discursive contexts in which artistic practice is included in its relationship with the fields of science and technology, its operational and epistemic frameworks.
- Conduct of a critical investigation process concerning real or potential problematics regarding own or others' artistic practice in relation to sciences and technologies.
- Ability to interpret data and make judgements involving substantiated reflection on questions concerning current debates in the field of sciences and technologies and their relation to artistic practices.
Lúa Coderch
PhD in Fine Arts. Degree in fine arts. Artistic production