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Contemporary Debates in the Arts and Humanities

Critical Practices and Contemporary Debates Discipline. 

  • Studies: Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts
  • Credits: 6 ECTS
  • Year: Third and Fourth year
  • Type: Elective
  • Mention: Electives Degree in Fine Arts
  • Subject code: GBAOP20


The main objective of the subject Contemporary Debates in the Arts and Humanities, included in Critical Practices and Contemporary Debates is to accompany students in the process of in-depth study of their interests, focusing on the arguments that are presented as particularly urgent in each field. The function of the subject is to facilitate a rigorous and situated approach to debates that appeal to the present of artistic practice from the extensive field of culture. In addition, it is reinforcing the fundamental role of theory and research. To this end, within the framework of the subject, students will need to develop proposals that are discursively and/or operationally inscribed in a given context.


Introduction to contemporary debates in the field of the humanities and their relationship with artistic practices through theoretical and practical references and key readings. Contributions of women and minoritised collectives in the fields of knowledge of the arts and humanities and their influence on artistic and cultural practices. Discussion and analysis of the main contemporary arguments and challenges in the field of cultures and humanities, critically examined in relation to ecology, decolonial thought, feminism and intersectionality. Development of a theoretical and practical project in relation to the treated subject.

Learning outcomes

  • Acquisition and demonstration of advanced knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects and working methodology in the field of artistic practices.
  • Ability to demonstrate abilities for the analysis of situations from a global and integral perspective, by relating social, cultural, economic and gender elements, when appropriate.
  • Perform evaluation processes of one's own and others' practice in a critical and responsible way.
  • Integrate the gender perspective and inclusiveness when producing communication content, in texts and audiovisual materials.
  • Adequately analyze the main contemporary debates in the field of humanities and their relation with artistic practices.
  • Appropriately and creatively relate the main contemporary debates in the field of the humanities to own and other people's work.
  • Conduct research and information selection processes adapted to artistic practice in relation with the humanities field.
  • Actively participate in contexts of discussion and analysis regarding the main contemporary arguments and challenges in relation to the humanities and artistic practices.


Lúa Coderch, PhD in Fine Arts. Degree in fine arts. Artistic production

Lúa Coderch

PhD in Fine Arts. Degree in fine arts. Artistic production