Gender Equality
Gender Equality Plan
The Gender Equality Plan of the BAU College of Arts and Design is a response to the need to address one of the most current and long-standing challenges in our society: gender inequality. The main objective of this plan is to put in place measures that ensure equality of opportunity and treatment between people in all areas of activity at our institution, and to coordinate and promote the transversal development of university inclusion and anti-discrimination policies in all activities and functions of the college.
The mission of BAU is to preserve, create, pass on, and apply knowledge, fostering individual and collective ideas based on democratic values, framed in a critical and humanising vision of the world, through teaching, research, and the transfer of knowledge. BAU endorses the principles of freedom, democracy, justice, equality, solidarity, social peace, inclusion and plurality typical of open societies and will promote the drive for sustainability, the fight against climate change, the conservation of natural heritage, and the values that arise from the objectives of sustainable development in activities and projects.
Within the organisational culture of BAU there is a particular sensitivity towards gender issues. In this context, the Board of Directors of the college has agreed to the creation of a joint equality committee that was approved on 20 January 2022 for the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan, which provided for a period of action starting in 2022 and that ends in 2025.
Previously, in 2018, the Board of Directors assumed responsibility for and implemented the protocol for the prevention of, and action in, situations of harassment. Furthermore, in-house gender perspective training and training on inclusive language in the workplace and in educational and university environments was provided to the team at the college in 2021.
The plan is structured by defining objectives and actions that are framed within the following seven areas of action:
- • Equality of opportunity and social responsibility
• Academic activity: Teaching and research
• Communication, image, and language
• Institutional representation and participation among women
• Professional access, promotion, and development. Employment conditions
• Joint responsibility in professional, personal, and family life
• The prevention and eradication of gender-based violence
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